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Custom Corder Basic Instructions

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The Custom Corder is a hand-held tool that twists together two or more strands of thread to create cording, piping, and trim. You can use this tool to make jewelry, trim for finishing needlework, ornaments and home decor, make purse straps and belts...the uses are endless. You can pick your own colors to match your project, and make professional cording at home.

The best way to learn how to use it is by watching the cording videos on our YouTube channel, We have also included helpful videos in the DESCRIPTION tab on this page (scroll down). 

WhIch threads do you need? Kreinik threads, of course, plus embroidery floss, knitting or crochet yarn, and ribbons work best. We have also corded thin strips of fabric, thin strips of leather, and thin strips of rick-rack. Experiment and have fun combining different fibers in your favorite colors (or school colors). 

Written instructions:

STEP 1: Determining how much thread you need

  • The ratio of starting thread to finished trim is 3 to 1. How long do you want your finished trim to be? Multiply that length times 3 and you get how much thread you need for cording. If you want to make sure you have plenty to work with, it's fine to add extra length, but you will need at least a three times the amount you want to have when you're done.
  • If you want to finish with a 16-inch trim, for instance, you multiply 16 times 3, and that gives you need to start with 48 inches of thread. 

STEP 2: How many people do you need to make cording?

  • For basic, two-color cording, it is helpful to have two: one person to hold the corder, and another person to hold the other end of your thread. 
  • If you are by yourself, you can attach the other end to a cup holder on a wall, for instance, or another sturdy, stable, immoveable tool. 
  • If you want to cord multiple colors, you need more people to hold the additional thread ends. The more friends you have, the more colors you can add!

STEP 3: Start cording (making two-color cording, candy-cane style)

  • Cut the length of thread you need (see Step 1 above), the same for each color.
  • Tie one thread into a loop (knot it's ends together)
  • Insert the other thread through the loop and knot it's ends together. 
  • So now you have two threads looped together. 
  • Have a friend hold one thread at the knotted end while you attach the knotted end of the other thread to the Custom Corder's hook. 

  • Start twisting the handle on the Corder. Have your friend stay still, and keep the line taut as you twist. Twist until you feel tension on the line. You can perform a kink test to see if it's tight enough: take the end connected to your corder and move it slowly toward the opposite end. If the thread begins to kind (see photo), it's ready. 
  • While your friend holds both ends taut, you place the custom corder in the center of your trim using the hook. (See photo below) Hold the corder in place, then bring the thread ends together above it, keeping constant tension. 
  • Then let go of the corder and let it twist. Allow it to spin until it stops. 
  • Remove the corder and tie a knot at the loose ends. Your trim is now ready to be used on your project. 

OPTION: To make "herringbone" type cording (two colors side by side, rather than candy-cane style), follow the same instructions above, except in Step one, instead of looping threads together, you place them side by side. See photo. 

  • Hold two colors together so that the threads are parallel to one another, and tie them together at each end. Then follow the cording instructions above. 
  • It's a little more difficult to spot the center of this cording, so do your best to visually measure or have another friend measure. 

The Custom Corder is a hand-held tool that twists together two or more strands of Kreinik metallic or silk thread to create cording, piping, and trim. You can use this tool to make jewelry, trim for finishing needlework, ornaments and home decor, make purse straps and belts...the uses are endless. The best way to learn how to use it is by watching the cording videos on our YouTube channel, Here's some to get you started:

And one from Kathy Schmitz:

Shabby Fabrics:

And Helen on Flosstube:

Would this product be useful in your business (ie, manufacturing, teaching, retail)? If so, you could benefit from bulk quantities at wholesale pricing. To open a wholesale account, we require a copy of your business license on file. Send a copy along with your business name and contact info to:

  • Rainbow Gallery (owner of Kreinik threads), 2860 North Ontario Street, Burbank CA 91504 USA
  • Rainbow Gallery phone 747-283-2006
  • Email

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