Selected vendor: A Stitching Shop - CO
Location: Denver, Colorado

Peppermint Pocket

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Designed by Amy Law

Here's a fun pocket-sized project to knit as a gift bag, money holder, or gift card holder this season. The metallic thread adds that touch of holiday magic.


  • 1 skein Lion Brand Homespun, 300 Hepplewhite (white)
  • 1 skein Cotton Flamme, Crystal Palace Yarns, 0032 (deep red)
  • 1 skein Berroco Chinchilla Bulky, Cabernet 7567 (deep red)
  • 1 10m spool Kreinik Metallic Thread, #16 Braid 003 Red
  • 1 button
  • Tools: scissors, sewing needle, #5 12 inch circular needles, #5 Straight needles


  • Cast on 40 stitches, leaving 15" tail (you will use this to sew your bottom closed)
  • Knit 7 rows of White Homespun & Metallic
  • Knit 3 rows of Red Cotton & Chinchilla
  • Knit 5 rows of White Homespun & Metallic
  • Knit 3 rows of Red Cotton & Chinchilla
  • Knit 7 rows of White Homespun Bind off 20 stitches (move to straight needles if preferred)
  • Knit 15 rows of White Homespun Bind off edge Sew back to middle of edge, create button loop
  • Weave in end Stitch bottom of pocket shut and weave in end Attach button

Notes: - You will not use a full skein of any of the yarns - You will use a full spool of Kreinik

Would this product be useful in your business (ie, manufacturing, teaching, retail)? If so, you could benefit from bulk quantities at wholesale pricing. To open a wholesale account, we require a copy of your business license on file. Send a copy along with your business name and contact info to:

  • Rainbow Gallery (owner of Kreinik threads), 2860 North Ontario Street, Burbank CA 91504 USA
  • Rainbow Gallery phone 747-283-2006
  • Email

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