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ABC Lunchbox

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ABC Lunchbox

  • $0.00
In stock (1000 items available)

ABC Lunchbox

Designed by: Amy Law
Skill Level: Beginner

Perfect for lunch or storing school supplies!


  • White metal lunchbox (Provo Craft, 5x7)
  • Polka dot paper (Scrappin' Creations Power Pad)
  • Gold cardstock
  • Red cardstock
  • Index card
  • 8x10 sheet Treasure Tape
  • Kreinik Iron-On Threads: #16 Braid 6200 Daffodil, #16 Braid 6130, Red 1/8" Ribbon 6200 Daffodil
  • Regular Hole punch
  • Tag Punch (Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punch Mega- Tag Punch)
  • Fiskars Paper Edgers (Wide Scallop)
  • Iron & Presscloth


  1. Turn your iron on to the highest heat setting and allow it to heat thoroughly.
  2. Cut your polka dot paper to 4.25" x 7.25" (or the width of your lunchbox). Apply your Treasure Tape to the back of the paper (beginning in one corner and working outward.) Peel back the redliner on the tape and center your paper on the front of your lunchbox. Using your paper edgers, cut two scalloped strips of red cardstock that are the length of your lunchbox. Attach them along the top and bottom edge of your polka dot paper. Punch three tag shapes from your index card and gold cardstock and arrange them in the center of your paper.
  3. You are ready to embellish. Using your Daffodil Ribbon, outline the edges of your paper. Next add a stripe of Red Braid along the top and bottom. Add another strip of Daffodil Ribbon and Red Braid.  Using your Daffodil Braid, follow the edge of the red scalloped cardstock. Then, decorate the background of your design.
  4. To finish your lunchbox, lightly trace your "A B C" on the tags. Iron your Red Braid over each letter, doubling the thread for a bolder look.

Printing Instructions:
To print the instructions for this project clickon the on the link above "Printable version" and then print the pageusing your web browser.  If you have trouble printing this page and would like us to send you a printed copy send a#10 SASE to: ABC Lunchbox, P.O. Box 1258, Parkersburg, WV 26102.

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  • Rainbow Gallery (owner of Kreinik threads), 2860 North Ontario Street, Burbank CA 91504 USA
  • Rainbow Gallery phone 747-283-2006
  • Email