Selected vendor: A Stitching Shop - CO
(votes: 3)

Felt Dove Ornament

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Materials needed:

  • dove template below, reduced or enlarged as desired
  • white felt
  • scrap of gray felt
  • sequins or buttons as desired
  • Kreinik holographic thread colors in Fine #8 Braid for any stitching, and 1/8" Ribbon for the tail—the holographic colors have an "L" in the color number, such as 002L, 001L, 005L etc.
  • sewing needle, stuffing or fiberfill, scrap of ribbon

Note: we decorated only one side of the dove, but feel free to decorate both sides if desired.

Enlarge or reduce the size of the template as desired.

  1. Using the dove template, cut out two dove shapes from your white felt. Place them together.
  2. Using a color of Fine #8 Braid, Tapestry #12 Braid, or Very Fine #4 Braid, straight stitch (or running stitch) around the inside edge of the doves. Leave a small opening, insert stuffing, then finish sewing closed.
  3. Use sequins or buttons for the eye, securing onto your felt using your Kreinik Braid or Blending Filament.
  4. Cut your gray felt into the shape of a small heart. Set it on its side and position it near the middle of the dove to look like a wing. Stitch down using a color of Kreinik Braid or Filament. We stitched a breast-cancer awareness ribbon on the gray wing, then attached a heart sequin right next to it.
  5. Attach your ribbon scrap to thte dove as an ornament hanger. We covered the spot where we knotted the ribbon onto the dove by placing a button there, embellished with Kreinik Braid.
  6. Cut 2” pieces of holographic threads and lay at the taiil. Secure with fabric glue or hold with your hand as you cover the base ends with a small white rectangle of felt. Sew it onto the front of the dove just at the base of the 
  7. If desired, add a poem or message by writing or typing it on paper, then inserting the paper between the felt layers at the tail.

Would this product be useful in your business (ie, manufacturing, teaching, retail)? If so, you could benefit from bulk quantities at wholesale pricing. To open a wholesale account, we require a copy of your business license on file. Send a copy along with your business name and contact info to:

  • Rainbow Gallery (owner of Kreinik threads), 2860 North Ontario Street, Burbank CA 91504 USA
  • Rainbow Gallery phone 747-283-2006
  • Email

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