Selected vendor: PC Hause

Green Butt Skunk Pattern

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Green Butt Skunk

Modified by Ray Larsen

Materials Needed: 

  • Hook: Salmon #2 - #8
  • Thread: 6/0 - Black
  • Wing: White Calf Tail
  • Tail: 10 strands of Kreinik Flash In A Tube™ in (#054F) Glow In The Dark Yellow, or (053F) Glow In The Dark Green 
  • Butt: 1 strand of Kreinik Flash In A Tube™ in (#054F) Glow In The Dark Yellow, or (053F) Glow In The Dark Green
  • Body: Kreinik Micro Ice Chenille - (#005) Black 
  • Throat: 3-4 turns of folded black saddle hackle

Tying Directions: 

  1. Start at the tail. Tie in about 10 strands of Kreinik flash so that they extend about 1" past the bend of the hook.
  2. After tying off the tail material, wrap over the tailing material with the single strand of Kreinik flash to form the butt. After about 7 or 8 wraps, tie off flash.
  3. Wrap you thread forward to a point about 1/4" from the eye of the hook. To form the body of the fly tie in the Micro Ice Chenille and wrap the chenille rearward, and then wrap back forward and tie off at the same point where you tied it in.
  4. To form the throat hackle, tie in a saddle hackle, and make two wraps.
  5. To form the wing, tie in a clump of calf tail on top of the hook at the same point as the Micro Ice Chenille so that the calf tail extends about 1/2" past the bend of the hook.
  6. To finish, tie off the calf tail, and build up a neat head with your tying thread, and coat with head cement.
  7. Editor's Notes: Ray Larson is a guide from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Most green butt skunk patterns have a silver tinsel rib, but Ray says that the black Micro Ice Chenille is so shiny, the ribbing is not necessary.
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