Selected vendor: A Stitching Shop - CO
(votes: 3)

Renaissance Napkin Rings

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Bring the elegance back to a dinner table, the shimmer back in a soiree, with this easy dollar-store napkin ring transformation. Yes, that's right - pick up an inexpensive pair of plain napkin rings at a dollar store, Walmart, Target, etc, and decorate them with elegant fibers that are simply twisted together. The result is a high-end, timeless decoration for your dinner party.

Materials needed:
 • plain napkin rings
 • spools of Kreinik 1/8" Ribbon in your choice of colors. We used the holographic thread colors for their extra elegance and sparkle (flecks of color in the thread literally dance in the light). We recommend getting several 10m spools in each color, depending on how many napkin rings you want to decorate.
 • Kreinik Custom Corder
 • Treasure Tape, 3/4" Roll or size to match your napkin ring size

 1. First measure the amount of cord you will need by wrapping some of your 1/8" Ribbon around the napkin ring. Multiply this measurement times 3, and that is how much of each color you need to make the cording for one napkin ring.
 2. Proceed to cord your threads together. Instructions come in the Custom Corder package, or click here to see them.  It helps to have another person on hand to hold one end as you cord, but if you don't have an extra hand, secure the end to a bulletin board and continue to cord.
 3. Once your cording is complete, lay your Treasure Tape on the napkin ring. Remove the red liner to expose the top sticky area, then lay your cording on the tape, pressing as you go along, covering all of the exposed sticky areas.
 4. Repeat with each napkin ring you wish to embellish.






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